Gravity Pal Blog

DMSO SERIES FROM A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR Starting in September 2024 the SubStack author, A Midwestern Doctor, released a series of articles on DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide), its multitude of healing applications and - importantly - how to use this amazing Gift of Nature for...

Electric Nutrition: The Surprising Health and Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding
Recently I shared two posts introducing Grounding (aka Earthing), Appreciating “Grounding”. Lesson #1 which can be found HERE and The Science Behind Grounding – An Introduction, HERE. If you’ve not read those posts, I recommend them and their video links to understand...

DMSO. How I Use It and My Research Into This Miracle “Tree Juice”
Back in 1993 I developed a very painful case of bursitis under my upper right arm's Deltoid Muscle that wouldn't go away. No amount of ice or rest or massage was helping - even after a few weeks. I didn't know at the time that the bursa is a fluid-filled cushioning...

How Do We Get Sick? A New Paradigm.
How Do We Get Sick? A New Paradigm. In my book The Inversion Revolution Beyond Back Pain to Wellness, I titled chapter 5, The Big Secret: How All Diseases Begin and Manifest. * Here's an excerpt: "Knowing how disease begins and manifests is the starting point of...

Safety Inside vs. Danger Inside
Safety Inside vs. Danger Inside By Michael McKay, L.M.T. "Like Being Held Like A Baby" This is how one of our customers reported feeling when resting on her Gravity Pal® Low Angle Inversion Table. It's a very profound statement and opens the door to deeply understand...

4 Strategies to Reduce Back Pain FAST
4 Strategies to Reduce Back Pain FAST By Michael McKay, LMT “Oh my aching back!” Even though 80% of adults will experience significant back pain some time in their life, most of us will never need surgery. In fact 95% of us completely recover within a few months -...

Michael McKay Interviewed 19Jan21 23min
On January 19th Ray Ward interviewed me about my book, The Inversion Revolution, Beyond Back Pain To Wellness There are many modalities that contribute to Wellness. LOW Angle Inversion can have a profound effect on our overall health in a very natural way and...

How To Properly Get Up Off the Floor by Michael McKay L.M.T.
How To Properly Get Up Off the Floor By Michael McKay, L.M.T. Occasionally, I’ll demo for a new customer how to get onto and off of one of our Gravity Pal Low Angle Inversion Tables. I recall a very fit looking 90 year old lady who wanted to try it out. What was...

Can Inversion Help with Depression?
Can Inversion Help with Depression? by Dawn R. McKay M.S.-SLP, L.M.T. It's no surprise so many people are dealing with higher levels of stress these days. We’re more isolated with so many adjusting to working from home and, when we do take a break, we’re bombarded by...

Big Surprise!! Improved Mental Clarity from LOW Angle Inversion?
Big Surprise!! Improved Mental Clarity from LOW Angle Inversion? "Why is my thinking becoming more clear?", she asked, “Is it because of using my Gravity Pal?” I chuckled. I was answering a call from one of our recent Gravity Pal low angle inversion table...